As you might have already read in one of my earlier posts, my mom doesn't like me to venture out on my own.
She thinks I'm so cute that bad people would steal me (as if I let any stranger pick me up... *pfffffffffff*), or that I wouldn't find my way home from out of the corn field (helloooo, I'm a DOG with an excellent sense of knowing where I live... *pfffffffffff*), or that I would run into a car (on that street that's miles away *pfffffffffff*), or that I would eat yummy things (as if I would get sick from those delicatessen out there, like dead mice, dead rabbits, dead birds, and such *pfffffffffff*).
So what did she do after she found out that a hedge (*pfffffffffff*) would not hold me back from roaming around? She had my best playfriend Patrick build a FENCE. Or what she thought to be a fence... (*pfffffffffff*). That poor fellow worked an entire Saturday to get that "fence" up and I just looked at him and thought (what else) "*pfffffffffff*"
To make a long story short... see for yourselves.... (*pfffffffffff*)
What did they think I have my paws and teeth for, huh?!? I almost felt a bit insulted by them. But you know....

Anyway, naturally, I made it through! *HAR* (as my auntie Brie would say!).
PS: I'm not entirely sure but I heard my mom talk about a "real" fence the other day... I hope she won't offend me again. With a "fence". *pfffffffffff*
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