My friends,
I just heard that my brother Timmy will visit us next weekend! How about that!?
His family will go on vacation in the summer and can't take him with them. So they asked my mom if Timmy might stay with us for 2 weeks. She said yes of course, as long as Timmy and Zorro get along! And that we will test next week.
Well, to be honest: I don't know... I have never shared my mom, my apartment, my lavender bushes, my flower pots, my carpet, my front-row window seat, my food, my water, my COUCH.... so I really don't know if I like that. Hmmmm.
However, one thing is for sure: I will NOT share my sleeping basket, brother or no, forget it, NO WAY!!!
I already don't like it when my playfriend Patrick wants to lie in it (I fight him fiercely when he does!), so you see, it's NOT a good idea for anyone to try sleep in it. Let them try and they'll see what happens!!! *HAR* (as my auntie Brie would say!)
Okay, my mom sits or stands in it from time to time. I think she wants to test me and show me who's boss *gigggggle*, and, gracious and generous as I am, I let her.... I mean, she IS my mom... and I don't want to rob her of her illusions about who's boss in the house, you know. So it's okay for her to use it. From time to time.
My mom keeps telling me that it will be FUN, though, and that I won't be bored all the time when she's working, so that sounds cool! Plus, I'll have a buddy I can run with in the fields! Surely, my friends, you know: there'll be no doubt who'll chase whom... and again: *HAR* (as my auntie Brie would say!)
Anyhow, I just wanted to share this with you, and I will keep you posted about any news in this respect.
Freitag, 24. Februar 2017
Donnerstag, 23. Februar 2017
Picture Page
My friends,
Upon repeated request, my mom decided to make one page just with pictures of me. Here it is:
Feel free to leave comments (only nice ones, of course, or I'll come and getcha).
Upon repeated request, my mom decided to make one page just with pictures of me. Here it is:
Feel free to leave comments (only nice ones, of course, or I'll come and getcha).
Dienstag, 21. Februar 2017
On vacation...
My friends,
I was on my first vacation!!! *jumpjump* My mom had to go away for a few days (she said, she had to go "to the office", whatever that may be...*shrug*) and she did a really nice thing: she didn't take me with her, but left me with those people she calls mom and dad, so I guess they are my grandparents. *yoohoooo* The reasons why I totally love being with them are manifold:
1) I get to do whatever I want to do and they think me irresistibly CUTE. (see point 3 in this list)
2) I get to eat chicken that my grandma cooks specially for me, with rice, and a bit of chicken soup on top. (I really don't know why my mom expects me to eat that stupid dry stuff at her place... I thought that my massive hunger strike after she returned and put that "schtuff" on my plate might have helped... Nope. She is SO pigheaded sometimes, really. I'll have to think of something else, really. Let her just see what happens when I have to eat any more of that dry stuff! *HAR* as my auntie Brie would say!)
3) My grandma gives me treats whenever I look cute. (So, basically, all the time.)
4) My granddad goes for walks with me twice a day (which, I have to admit, is something my mom is actually better at because she lets me off my leash and gives me treats when I return to her). But my granddad is sooo proud when I walk him and people stop to ask him about me (like, who is this little fluffy fellow, is he a mixed breed, is he a puppy, and uninteresting stuff like that which I usually totally ignore = sit around, looking as bored as possible, until they're done chatting), so I usually deign to accompany him on these little outings. It's okay to do him a favor, too, you know. (See points 5 and 6.)
5) My granddad takes me with him whenever he works in the garden (which is every day), and he doesn't put me on a leash then. (I found several holes a little while ago and checked out the neighbors' gardens, but, miraculously, they've all disappeared. The holes, I mean. Weird...)
6) My granddad lets me help him dig holes, chop wood, clip plants, water the yard, wash the car, weed the flower beds, and all kinds of cool man-stuff around the house. To make him perfect, I make him do everything at least three or four times by undoing everything he does. That way, he can practice, you know. How else would he become perfect? I really really help him a lot in this endeavor, you see. Of course, I intend to implement any lessons learned at my mom's house and in her garden at my earliest convenience, too. I'm sure she will be totally thrilled!!!
7) My grandparents never leave me alone in the house so I don't have to overexert myself howling and barking for hours. My mom does that. I really don't know why. I hate that.
You know, in my opinion, and overall and such, my grandparents should have educated my mom better. They are so much cooler than she could ever be. But.... I still love being with my mom BEST anyway. Because, after all, she IS my mom and I will always love her BEST because she loves me BEST. ❤
I was on my first vacation!!! *jumpjump* My mom had to go away for a few days (she said, she had to go "to the office", whatever that may be...*shrug*) and she did a really nice thing: she didn't take me with her, but left me with those people she calls mom and dad, so I guess they are my grandparents. *yoohoooo* The reasons why I totally love being with them are manifold:
1) I get to do whatever I want to do and they think me irresistibly CUTE. (see point 3 in this list)
2) I get to eat chicken that my grandma cooks specially for me, with rice, and a bit of chicken soup on top. (I really don't know why my mom expects me to eat that stupid dry stuff at her place... I thought that my massive hunger strike after she returned and put that "schtuff" on my plate might have helped... Nope. She is SO pigheaded sometimes, really. I'll have to think of something else, really. Let her just see what happens when I have to eat any more of that dry stuff! *HAR* as my auntie Brie would say!)
3) My grandma gives me treats whenever I look cute. (So, basically, all the time.)
4) My granddad goes for walks with me twice a day (which, I have to admit, is something my mom is actually better at because she lets me off my leash and gives me treats when I return to her). But my granddad is sooo proud when I walk him and people stop to ask him about me (like, who is this little fluffy fellow, is he a mixed breed, is he a puppy, and uninteresting stuff like that which I usually totally ignore = sit around, looking as bored as possible, until they're done chatting), so I usually deign to accompany him on these little outings. It's okay to do him a favor, too, you know. (See points 5 and 6.)
5) My granddad takes me with him whenever he works in the garden (which is every day), and he doesn't put me on a leash then. (I found several holes a little while ago and checked out the neighbors' gardens, but, miraculously, they've all disappeared. The holes, I mean. Weird...)
6) My granddad lets me help him dig holes, chop wood, clip plants, water the yard, wash the car, weed the flower beds, and all kinds of cool man-stuff around the house. To make him perfect, I make him do everything at least three or four times by undoing everything he does. That way, he can practice, you know. How else would he become perfect? I really really help him a lot in this endeavor, you see. Of course, I intend to implement any lessons learned at my mom's house and in her garden at my earliest convenience, too. I'm sure she will be totally thrilled!!!
7) My grandparents never leave me alone in the house so I don't have to overexert myself howling and barking for hours. My mom does that. I really don't know why. I hate that.
You know, in my opinion, and overall and such, my grandparents should have educated my mom better. They are so much cooler than she could ever be. But.... I still love being with my mom BEST anyway. Because, after all, she IS my mom and I will always love her BEST because she loves me BEST. ❤
Freitag, 17. Februar 2017
Lots of "Pfffffffff"s...
My friends,
As you might have already read in one of my earlier posts, my mom doesn't like me to venture out on my own.
She thinks I'm so cute that bad people would steal me (as if I let any stranger pick me up... *pfffffffffff*), or that I wouldn't find my way home from out of the corn field (helloooo, I'm a DOG with an excellent sense of knowing where I live... *pfffffffffff*), or that I would run into a car (on that street that's miles away *pfffffffffff*), or that I would eat yummy things (as if I would get sick from those delicatessen out there, like dead mice, dead rabbits, dead birds, and such *pfffffffffff*).
So what did she do after she found out that a hedge (*pfffffffffff*) would not hold me back from roaming around? She had my best playfriend Patrick build a FENCE. Or what she thought to be a fence... (*pfffffffffff*). That poor fellow worked an entire Saturday to get that "fence" up and I just looked at him and thought (what else) "*pfffffffffff*"
To make a long story short... see for yourselves.... (*pfffffffffff*)
What did they think I have my paws and teeth for, huh?!? I almost felt a bit insulted by them. But you know....
Anyway, naturally, I made it through! *HAR* (as my auntie Brie would say!).
PS: I'm not entirely sure but I heard my mom talk about a "real" fence the other day... I hope she won't offend me again. With a "fence". *pfffffffffff*
As you might have already read in one of my earlier posts, my mom doesn't like me to venture out on my own.
She thinks I'm so cute that bad people would steal me (as if I let any stranger pick me up... *pfffffffffff*), or that I wouldn't find my way home from out of the corn field (helloooo, I'm a DOG with an excellent sense of knowing where I live... *pfffffffffff*), or that I would run into a car (on that street that's miles away *pfffffffffff*), or that I would eat yummy things (as if I would get sick from those delicatessen out there, like dead mice, dead rabbits, dead birds, and such *pfffffffffff*).
So what did she do after she found out that a hedge (*pfffffffffff*) would not hold me back from roaming around? She had my best playfriend Patrick build a FENCE. Or what she thought to be a fence... (*pfffffffffff*). That poor fellow worked an entire Saturday to get that "fence" up and I just looked at him and thought (what else) "*pfffffffffff*"
To make a long story short... see for yourselves.... (*pfffffffffff*)
What did they think I have my paws and teeth for, huh?!? I almost felt a bit insulted by them. But you know....

Anyway, naturally, I made it through! *HAR* (as my auntie Brie would say!).
PS: I'm not entirely sure but I heard my mom talk about a "real" fence the other day... I hope she won't offend me again. With a "fence". *pfffffffffff*
Montag, 13. Februar 2017
Man oh man.....
....or not.....
My friends, my mom had me fixed....... I hope you still love me now.... It didn't hurt at all, and you know what, thinking about it, all in all.... It was a GOOD IDEA!!!!!!
But let me start at the beginning. ;)
My mom thought it was about time to take me to the vet last week. I wasn't feeling particularly sick or so, but I did have this weird feeling of restlessness in the evenings. I sat around, panting and stressed, and I didn't know why I was feeling so terribly nervous all the time. So in order to think other thoughts, I started jumping on my mom's legs... and on my toys, and on furniture, and on arms... whatever came my way. I also peed on each and every tree, bush, branch, trash can and whatever I could get a hold of. It wasn't fun anymore, believe you me.
So, I didn't feel well at all, and my wonderful mom saw it and since she loves me so much she took me to her favorite vet one morning and picked me up in the afternoon. That's all I remember about that, and I suppose that's goooood...
All I know is that my belly was itching afterward and that I wanted to get to it with my paws, tongue, and teeth. But that wasn't a good idea, or so my mom thought. So she did something unforgivable..... She put a really weird hat on me, boy, can you imagine how totally unmanly that felt!?!? First of all it was ugly, secondly it made me run into all kinds of things that weren't there before (furniture and door frames, especially), and thirdly... c'mooon... look at this picture of utter wretchedness and feel SORRY. NOW.
Anyway, that STUPID hat or whatever that was didn't last long and I thought "cool, done with that cr...p, yeah". But of course here comes the BUT: after my mom had found the hat in various places (including the storage room, under her bed, and in between lavender plants...) she had to take me to the vet again, this time because my belly was a bit sore from me and my teeth trying to get those itchy threads out.
Horribly, instead of making me better immediately, the lady doctor then gave my mom this more-than-terrible surfer-boy dress. Two words describe it perfectly: ULTIMATE. HUMILIATION.
Man, I hated being stuffed into that thaaang. :((( (I looked extremely cute in it, though, as I'm sure you'll have to admit. *Nooo, I'm not vain, just realistic.*
But since I'm such a smart doggy, I had to wear that thaaang only for a few days, i.e., until I found out that they wouldn't squeeeeeze me into it when I wouldn't lick my neatly sewed-up wound. So I didn't do that anymore and they left me alone. Yey, I won! Or, as my auntie Brie would put it: *HAR*
Anyway, I'm totally relaxed in the evenings now, I don't pant anymore without knowing why, I don't want to pee on each and every branch and tree and trash can and plant I see outside anymore, I don't want to jump on my mom anymore (which she thought was cute, I just know it, but she didn't let me anyway...), so:
I feel completely GREAT now! THANKS MOM!!! I LOVE YOU!!!!!!
My friends, my mom had me fixed....... I hope you still love me now.... It didn't hurt at all, and you know what, thinking about it, all in all.... It was a GOOD IDEA!!!!!!
But let me start at the beginning. ;)
My mom thought it was about time to take me to the vet last week. I wasn't feeling particularly sick or so, but I did have this weird feeling of restlessness in the evenings. I sat around, panting and stressed, and I didn't know why I was feeling so terribly nervous all the time. So in order to think other thoughts, I started jumping on my mom's legs... and on my toys, and on furniture, and on arms... whatever came my way. I also peed on each and every tree, bush, branch, trash can and whatever I could get a hold of. It wasn't fun anymore, believe you me.
So, I didn't feel well at all, and my wonderful mom saw it and since she loves me so much she took me to her favorite vet one morning and picked me up in the afternoon. That's all I remember about that, and I suppose that's goooood...
All I know is that my belly was itching afterward and that I wanted to get to it with my paws, tongue, and teeth. But that wasn't a good idea, or so my mom thought. So she did something unforgivable..... She put a really weird hat on me, boy, can you imagine how totally unmanly that felt!?!? First of all it was ugly, secondly it made me run into all kinds of things that weren't there before (furniture and door frames, especially), and thirdly... c'mooon... look at this picture of utter wretchedness and feel SORRY. NOW.
Anyway, that STUPID hat or whatever that was didn't last long and I thought "cool, done with that cr...p, yeah". But of course here comes the BUT: after my mom had found the hat in various places (including the storage room, under her bed, and in between lavender plants...) she had to take me to the vet again, this time because my belly was a bit sore from me and my teeth trying to get those itchy threads out.
Horribly, instead of making me better immediately, the lady doctor then gave my mom this more-than-terrible surfer-boy dress. Two words describe it perfectly: ULTIMATE. HUMILIATION.
Man, I hated being stuffed into that thaaang. :((( (I looked extremely cute in it, though, as I'm sure you'll have to admit. *Nooo, I'm not vain, just realistic.*

But since I'm such a smart doggy, I had to wear that thaaang only for a few days, i.e., until I found out that they wouldn't squeeeeeze me into it when I wouldn't lick my neatly sewed-up wound. So I didn't do that anymore and they left me alone. Yey, I won! Or, as my auntie Brie would put it: *HAR*
Anyway, I'm totally relaxed in the evenings now, I don't pant anymore without knowing why, I don't want to pee on each and every branch and tree and trash can and plant I see outside anymore, I don't want to jump on my mom anymore (which she thought was cute, I just know it, but she didn't let me anyway...), so:
I feel completely GREAT now! THANKS MOM!!! I LOVE YOU!!!!!!
Montag, 6. Februar 2017
I had another date! ❤
No words this time, just a picture.... you can see that I had a HAPPY day yesterday!!!
In love,
In love,
Freitag, 3. Februar 2017
More on... my FLOWER.... ❤
My friends,
Since she is such an important and wonderful part of my life, I would like you to meet CHAMPA:
Champa is a Tibetan Terrier like myself and she is only three days younger than me. Her name is either of Tibetan origin and then its translation is "great pure love", or, as other sources claim, her name is from India and then it would mean "flower". I don't really care, my friends, both interpretations fit her perfectly, isn't she just incredibly lovely? ❤❤❤
Anyway, let me start at the beginning. ;)
Here is how we met, and believe me, it's a really nice story because not only did I meet one of my own kind, but also did my mom find a long-lost friend of hers.
When my mom drove me to doggy school for the first time, I had no idea what was coming. As we arrived, about a million (at least, honestly!) huge German shepherds started barking from within their kennels because it's mostly a school for German shepherds and those kinds of dogs. (Please don't ask why my mom chose to go there, I have no idea, really.) I wish I could write "I didn't care"... but I did. I was quite intimidated because my doggy friends from where I live don't bark or only sometimes a bit, for play, you know. These guys were dead-serious, and I mean it.
But then, when my mom took me to the schoolyard, I forgot all about that crazy ruckus in the background, because what did my little black eyes see!? A Tibetan Terrier, just like myself, except that she was a cute little girl on the leash of a cute little human girl! My mom stubbornly disregarded my attempts to get to know the little TT girl, though, and dragged me into some sort of room and talked to some people. When we went back outside, my little TT girl was still there, thank heavens, but she didn't have the cute little human girl on the leash anymore, but a grown-up human lady, just like my mom is.
Imagine my surprise when my mom suddenly started walking toward the lady and they started talking excitedly! The lady, Champa's mom, turned out to be one of my mom's ever-best friends at highschool, can you believe it? They had lost each other after 10th grade and hadn't seen each other ever since. Now they found each other again, and to me, they looked and acted almost as happy as myself having found Champa. ;)
So what do you say, didn't I manage all that extremely well?!? They don't call me a hero for nothing, you know. (*HAR* as my auntie Brie would say.)
And now I have to admit something that I'm sure comes as a total surprise to you after you've read this post....
I am totally in love with my little TT girl Champa... and I can't wait for our next adventure together!!! ❤❤❤
Since she is such an important and wonderful part of my life, I would like you to meet CHAMPA:
Champa is a Tibetan Terrier like myself and she is only three days younger than me. Her name is either of Tibetan origin and then its translation is "great pure love", or, as other sources claim, her name is from India and then it would mean "flower". I don't really care, my friends, both interpretations fit her perfectly, isn't she just incredibly lovely? ❤❤❤
Anyway, let me start at the beginning. ;)
Here is how we met, and believe me, it's a really nice story because not only did I meet one of my own kind, but also did my mom find a long-lost friend of hers.
When my mom drove me to doggy school for the first time, I had no idea what was coming. As we arrived, about a million (at least, honestly!) huge German shepherds started barking from within their kennels because it's mostly a school for German shepherds and those kinds of dogs. (Please don't ask why my mom chose to go there, I have no idea, really.) I wish I could write "I didn't care"... but I did. I was quite intimidated because my doggy friends from where I live don't bark or only sometimes a bit, for play, you know. These guys were dead-serious, and I mean it.
But then, when my mom took me to the schoolyard, I forgot all about that crazy ruckus in the background, because what did my little black eyes see!? A Tibetan Terrier, just like myself, except that she was a cute little girl on the leash of a cute little human girl! My mom stubbornly disregarded my attempts to get to know the little TT girl, though, and dragged me into some sort of room and talked to some people. When we went back outside, my little TT girl was still there, thank heavens, but she didn't have the cute little human girl on the leash anymore, but a grown-up human lady, just like my mom is.
Imagine my surprise when my mom suddenly started walking toward the lady and they started talking excitedly! The lady, Champa's mom, turned out to be one of my mom's ever-best friends at highschool, can you believe it? They had lost each other after 10th grade and hadn't seen each other ever since. Now they found each other again, and to me, they looked and acted almost as happy as myself having found Champa. ;)
So what do you say, didn't I manage all that extremely well?!? They don't call me a hero for nothing, you know. (*HAR* as my auntie Brie would say.)
And now I have to admit something that I'm sure comes as a total surprise to you after you've read this post....
I am totally in love with my little TT girl Champa... and I can't wait for our next adventure together!!! ❤❤❤
Mittwoch, 1. Februar 2017
My mom's trying to trap me...
Howdy all y'all!
Now that I've settled in a bit (actually, a LOT, I reeeally like my life with my mom!), let me tell you a few of my stories. My favorite ones are those where I do stuff that I like, but my mom doesn't. Of course, I never know that she wouldn't approve until I do what I do and she is mad at me (she isn't really good at it, though *shrug*).
But... would I still have done what I did had I known she wouldn't approve...? The only honest answer to that question is: YEP. Cause it all really is too much fun. So what exactly am I talking about here? Well, let me enlighten you:
ADVENTURE!!!!!!!!!!!!!! FUN!!!!!!!!!!!!! ROMPING AROUND!!!!!!!!!!! PLAYING!!!!!!! DIGGING!!!!!!!! RUNNING!!!!!!!!! GREETING MY FRIENDS!!!!!!!!!!
In one beautiful word: ESCAPE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
But let me start with the beginning... ;)
Before I moved into my new home, my mom had planted a hedge. Beautiful, yes, but, I'm sorry to say, not really an adequate FENCE or WALL, as she found out reeeeally quickly. *gigglegiggle*
[Sorry to interrupt you, my little Zorro, but I have to butt in here to make a personal statement since you started talking about walls and say that you're feeling trapped: anyone who builds fences or walls (or acts like a minority and women hater in general) is just demonstrating utter helplessness and social incompetence, that's all, and they will regret it one way or the other, I'm absolutely sure about that. And no, it doesn't matter if those things are built to keep out or in. They are all FAILS. And yes: my attempts to fence you in, my little Zorro, are too an expression of my own helplessness and frustration caused by my incompetence to make you want to stay and keep you safe. Anyway, I'll let you continue with your story now so that our friends can bear witness to your mom's struggle with incompetence... ;) ]
Okay, no problem, I guess that had to be said. Well done, mom! *app(l)aws* Anyway, back to my story about her attempts to trap me:
In a matter of seconds, I had found out that this hedge had holes, many holes. And they were just my size, how about that, how very convenient! Wellll, I gotta be honest: Most of them darn tiny holes needed a bit of paw-work, but you know, absolutely no problem for lil ole me. *HAR* (as my auntie Brie would say!) See, this is me sneakin' a peek out from my clandestine work on the hedge hole:
How my mom ever thought that I'd be detained by a hedge is beyond me. *tsk*
Nevertheless, my efforts were NOT rewarded. At first, I thought my mom would be very proud of me being so smart finding (and making... *cough*) all those holes, but that was a definite misconception on my part. She didn't like me running around outside her LITTLE patio without seeing and being able to control me (and that was the best of it all, at least that's what I thought...).
So she did something incredibly stupid: she put me on a leash. Okay, it was a long leash, but hey, with all those flower pots and roses and lavender bushes and whatever-other-plants in my way, what in the world was she thinking?!? That I would neatly find my way back to the point of origin by following the leash after getting hopelessly entangled in all those plants and stuff?!? Yeah, right....
She really is a bit silly sometimes. I mean, don't get me wrong, I do love her. I just don't understand her... sometimes... *sigh*
[By the way, talking about love: I am totally in LOVE with all my mom's plants and, adequately, also (or rather: especially!!!) with a girl named "Flower"..... but that's another story and will be told in a future post.]
To be continued....
Now that I've settled in a bit (actually, a LOT, I reeeally like my life with my mom!), let me tell you a few of my stories. My favorite ones are those where I do stuff that I like, but my mom doesn't. Of course, I never know that she wouldn't approve until I do what I do and she is mad at me (she isn't really good at it, though *shrug*).
But... would I still have done what I did had I known she wouldn't approve...? The only honest answer to that question is: YEP. Cause it all really is too much fun. So what exactly am I talking about here? Well, let me enlighten you:
ADVENTURE!!!!!!!!!!!!!! FUN!!!!!!!!!!!!! ROMPING AROUND!!!!!!!!!!! PLAYING!!!!!!! DIGGING!!!!!!!! RUNNING!!!!!!!!! GREETING MY FRIENDS!!!!!!!!!!
In one beautiful word: ESCAPE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
But let me start with the beginning... ;)
Before I moved into my new home, my mom had planted a hedge. Beautiful, yes, but, I'm sorry to say, not really an adequate FENCE or WALL, as she found out reeeeally quickly. *gigglegiggle*
[Sorry to interrupt you, my little Zorro, but I have to butt in here to make a personal statement since you started talking about walls and say that you're feeling trapped: anyone who builds fences or walls (or acts like a minority and women hater in general) is just demonstrating utter helplessness and social incompetence, that's all, and they will regret it one way or the other, I'm absolutely sure about that. And no, it doesn't matter if those things are built to keep out or in. They are all FAILS. And yes: my attempts to fence you in, my little Zorro, are too an expression of my own helplessness and frustration caused by my incompetence to make you want to stay and keep you safe. Anyway, I'll let you continue with your story now so that our friends can bear witness to your mom's struggle with incompetence... ;) ]
Okay, no problem, I guess that had to be said. Well done, mom! *app(l)aws* Anyway, back to my story about her attempts to trap me:
In a matter of seconds, I had found out that this hedge had holes, many holes. And they were just my size, how about that, how very convenient! Wellll, I gotta be honest: Most of them darn tiny holes needed a bit of paw-work, but you know, absolutely no problem for lil ole me. *HAR* (as my auntie Brie would say!) See, this is me sneakin' a peek out from my clandestine work on the hedge hole:
LOOKING innocent.... ;)
Nevertheless, my efforts were NOT rewarded. At first, I thought my mom would be very proud of me being so smart finding (and making... *cough*) all those holes, but that was a definite misconception on my part. She didn't like me running around outside her LITTLE patio without seeing and being able to control me (and that was the best of it all, at least that's what I thought...).
So she did something incredibly stupid: she put me on a leash. Okay, it was a long leash, but hey, with all those flower pots and roses and lavender bushes and whatever-other-plants in my way, what in the world was she thinking?!? That I would neatly find my way back to the point of origin by following the leash after getting hopelessly entangled in all those plants and stuff?!? Yeah, right....
She really is a bit silly sometimes. I mean, don't get me wrong, I do love her. I just don't understand her... sometimes... *sigh*
[By the way, talking about love: I am totally in LOVE with all my mom's plants and, adequately, also (or rather: especially!!!) with a girl named "Flower"..... but that's another story and will be told in a future post.]
To be continued....
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